Friday 6 September 2013

Mary Berry's Fruit Scones

The first recipe up is from Mary Berry's cookery course - I purchased this book last week and have been perusing it for the last week as to where I would start - Fruit Scones are always a winner for me and seemed a good place as any to start! I have made scones many times before but the recipe my mam has does not use eggs so I was excited to try it out and see what difference they made. 

As you can see from the ingredients below, I don't buy the most expensive out there or anything like it; in fact I usually go for the own brand stuff...

Ingredients and Measurements
75g Butter
350g Self Raising Flour
1.5tsp Baking Powder
30g Caster Sugar
75g Sultanas
150ml Milk
2 Large Eggs; beaten

220 degrees Celsius

Cooking Time 
10 minutes (mine cooked in 16)

In my baking adventures I like to use the cheats method; in step two Mary requests that I rub the butter and flour together as I learned in my Home Economics class - I decided to ignore this request and go ahead and use my food mixer to blitz the butter and flour in to a fine crumb! When I was pouring the caster sugar in, a large lump of sugar fell out at the last minute - separating when it hit the flour - this brought the weight up to 40g, I managed to reclaim some of it but ended up with 34g instead of 30g - I don't think it would have made that much difference to the recipe but at least I tried to be accurate. 

So, it turns out I'm useless with measurements. The recipe calls for the dough to be rolled to 'about 2cm deep' - I guessed what this looked like so who knows! Mary reckons I'll get 10 scones from my 6cm cutter, mine was about 5.5cm and I ended up with 16 (I realise there are only 14 in the picture - I got curious and my sister helped my curiosity along with the help of our friends jam and cream!). After the suggested cooking time of 10 minutes I reckoned they looked a bit pale, in total they were on for 16 minutes and turned out perfect. 

The Verdict

Delicious! Easy to make and I will be using this recipe for my scones from now on as I loved the light fluffy texture the egg gave to them and the golden brown colour it gave to the top. Well done Mary - we shall meet again!

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